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October Quote of the Month

In a month of tricks and treats, treat yourself to the wisdom in this quote!

"Love is more than a feeling, it’s a choice." - Dale, with Vertical Waco

Every Monday night, my school hosts a worship session and sermon through an organization called Vertical Waco. Sometimes it's hard to get there—that is, with having homework, study sessions, or prior commitments—but I was able to go last week and hear some wonderful wisdom.

Why Does This Quote Matter?

The quote seems so short and simple, but I believe it packs a powerful punch. I don't know about you, but I often forget that love is a choice. In fact, I think it’s easier to think of love as a feeling because feelings come naturally and not by choice.

If something is a choice, it’s weightier. It implies that one thing is being prioritized over another. It means that we’re sacrificing one thing for another—are we making the right choice? There’s more pressure when a choice or option is at stake. Essentially, choosing to love someone is a really big deal.

Another difficult aspect about a choice is that it’s up to us—all the action, all the blame. If I don’t show love to someone, that is totally on me; I am the one who determines who gets to know my love. So, it's true that we can be discriminate or exclusive when deciding to give another person our love. We can’t choose to feel love for someone, can choose to show love to someone.

The grammatical difference is small, but the way it applies to your life is very different.

The feeling of love fluctuates, often with the good and bad times. It’s more of a physical feeling: racing heart, butterflies in your stomach, or flushed cheeks. Emotions are rather fickle friends.

Love that is chosen is earned, fought for, unconditional. It stands the test of time. Your unconditional love is something to be valued, so don't let others tell you otherwise. Your love makes a difference in this world. With this quote, I want to encourage you to choose love, no matter how big or small, difficult or easy it may seem.



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