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"You're Stronger than the Storm..."

April 2020 Quote of the Month!

“I have bad news: you're not faster than the storm. But I have good news: you're stronger than the storm. Be a buffalo and face the storm, not a cow who runs away.” - Natalie Beyers

A dear friend of mine was giving a devotional when she said this. She taught us about the difference between cows and buffaloes (seems random, right?) to demonstrate the two ways to handle storms in our lives.

Cows, when they see a storm, run away. They instantly turn the other way and try to get as far as possible. But when buffaloes see a storm coming, they turn and run right into the storm. (This is completely true, by the way!)

Why Does This Quote Matter?

Isn’t that an incredible picture? All of us are going to face storms in our lives, but it's all about how he handle them. Just because you don’t want to face the storm doesn’t mean it won’t come eventually—running away simply prolongs the imminent. However, just because you face the storm doesn’t mean it won’t be difficult. Surely the buffaloes felt fear as they walked into the darkness, rain pelting their skin and lightning striking all around.

Right now, the whole world is in the midst of a great storm. Think about all of the incredible buffaloes in the world, specifically doctors and medicare workers. They are facing the Coronavirus head on, giving themselves wholly to save others. They saw the storm and ran into it, in spite of fear. How would our lives be different if we reacted like buffaloes instead of cows when we face storms?

Let me know what you think about this quote!


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